1. Clinical Biochemistry and Tumor Markers (SBS-CBTM) in Alexandria 2019
2. Clinical Biochemistry and Medical Analysis (SBS-CBMA) in Luxor 2019
3. Medical Analysis and Covid-19 (SBS-MAAC19) in Alexandria 2021
4. Biomedical Science and Medical Analysis (SBS-BSMA) in Luxor. 2022
5. 5th Symposium of Alexandria Biomedical Science Diabetes Mellitus between Clinic and Research SBS - DMCaR 2022
6. 6th Symposium of Luxor Biomedical Science Cancer between Clinic and Research
SBS-CbCaR 2023
7. The diagnosis and Treatment of the post sequalaeof Covid-19
Our previouse Events Videos
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المؤتمر الاول للعلوم الطبية والخلايا الجذعية بالاقصر
المؤتمر الرابع للعلوم الطبية بالاقصر
المؤتمر الرابع للعلوم الطبية بالاقصر
المؤتمر الرابع للعلوم الطبية بالاقصر ٣